Custom GHS Chemical Safety Labels

Century Graphics & Sign, a leading custom GHS label supplier, can provide GHS labels. The Globally Harmonized System (GHS) is a worldwide initiative to promote standard criteria for classifying chemicals according to their health, physical, and environmental hazards. This system uses pictograms, hazard statements, and signal words like "Danger" and "Warning" to communicate hazardous information on product labels and safety datasheets logically and comprehensively. The consistent and widespread use of the GHS system will lead to a better-protected worker, a safer workplace, and a cleaner environment.
Each GHS Label is designed with specific information and relies on data from the product's Safety Data Sheet (SDS). Let us help you keep your hazard communication program up-to-date and compliant. Call or email us today for your custom information.
Century Graphics can meet all your needs as a custom GHS chemical safety label provider. We offer other labels, including:
- NFPA Signs
- D.O.T. Placards
This product is not available for order online. To place an order, please Contact us at 1-800-228-4467 or email us at

1 Product Identifier - This should match the product identifier on the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).
2 Signal Word - Either use "Danger" (severe) or "Warning" (less severe).
3 Hazard Statements - A phrase assigned to a hazard class that describes the nature of the product's hazards.
4 Precautionary Statements - Recommended measures to minimize/prevent adverse effects from exposure.
5 Supplier Identification - The manufacturer's or supplier's name, address, and telephone number.
6 Pictograms - Graphical symbols intended to convey specific hazard information visually.
Common GHS Labels
Crude Oil

Natural Gas

Produced Saltwater

Raw Mix

Produced Water

The GHS System (Globally Harmonized System) is a worldwide initiative to promote standard criteria for classifying chemicals according to their health, physical and environmental hazards. This system uses pictograms, hazard statements, and signal words like "Danger" and "Warning" to better communicate Hazard Information on product labels and safety data sheet in a logical and comprehensive way. The consistent and widespread use of the GHS system will lead to a better protected worker, a safer workplace and a cleaner environment.
With all of this, GHS will reduce costly and time-consuming activities needed to comply with multiple classification and labeling systems, promoting more consistency in regulation and reducing non-tariff barriers to trade.
Each GHS Label is designed with specific information in mind - and relies on data from the products Safety Data Sheet (SDS). Let us help you prepare your facility for GHS with identification products that will help keep your hazard communication program up-to-date and compliant. Call or email us today for your custom information.
- Product Identifier - Should match the product identifier on the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).
- Signal Word - Either use "Danger" (severe) or "Warning" (less severe).
- Hazard Statements - A phrase assigned to a hazard class that describes the nature of the products hazards.
- Precautionary Statements - Recommended measure to minimize/prevent adverse effects from exposure.
- Supplier Identification - The name, address, and telephone number of the manufacturer or supplier.
- Pictograms - Graphical symbols intended to convey specific hazard information visually.