Oilfield Lease Sign State Requirements
24"W X 12"T

Tank Signs
24"W X 12"T

Well Signs
400-1. Rules and Regulations of the State Oil and Gas Board of Alabama Governing Onshore Lands Operations
400-1-4. Drilling
400-1-4-.01. Identification of Wells.
A sign shall be posted and maintained in a legible state in a conspicuous place near the well. Such sign shall be posted before spudding or reentry and shall remain posted until the well is plugged and abandoned and the location restored. The sign shall include the name of the operator, the permit number, the well name and number, and the section, township, range, and county in which the well is located.
400-1-6. Production
400-1-6-.07. Tanks or Tank Batteries.
A sign shall be posted and maintained in a legible state, in a conspicuous place near a tank or tank battery. Such sign shall be posted when the tank or tank battery is installed and shall remain posted until the tank or tank battery is removed and the location restored. The sign shall include the name of the operator, the name or number designation of the battery, a listing of the permit number(s) from well(s) with fluids flowing into the battery, and the section, township, range, and county in which the tank or tank battery is located
400-1-9. Safety and Environment
(e) Storage tanks which are utilized as part of a production operation and which are operated at or near atmospheric pressure are exempt from sections (2) and (4) through (7); however, where the vapor accumulation has a hydrogen sulfide concentration in excess of five hundred (500) parts per million (ppm), the storage tanks shall be subject to the following:
Storage tanks are exempt from sections (4), (6b, c, d, and e), and (7) only;
A warning sign shall be posted on or within fifty (50) feet of the facility to alert the general public of the potential danger;
Fencing, as a security measure, is required when storage tanks are located inside the
limits of a town site or city or where conditions cause the storage tanks to be exposed to the public.
| ALASKA 20 AAC 25.040. Well identification (a) Every well must be identified by a sign posted in a conspicuous place. During the period of time from commencement of drilling operations to well completion, suspension, or abandonment, the sign must be on or near the drill rig, but not more than 100 feet from the well. After well completion or suspension, the well sign must be at the wellhead or on the wellhead building. The sign must be of durable construction, large enough to be legible under normal conditions at a distance of 50 feet, and maintained in legible condition. Each sign must show the (1) name of the well or primary wellbore as designated by the operator under 20 AAC 25.005(f) for the well drilled from the surface location; (2) name of the owner; (3) name of the operator if different from the owner; (4) API number that the commission has, under (b) of this section, assigned to the well; (5) well surface location by governmental quarter section, section, township, and range; and (6) Permit to Drill number that the commission has assigned under (b) of this section. (b) The commission will assign a Permit to Drill number and an API number when a Permit to Drill (Form 10-401) is approved. (c) For platforms or multiple-well drill sites, the information required in (a)(2) - (a)(5) of this section may be posted on one sign on the platform or at the main entrance to the drill site. (d) For wells with more than one permitted wellbore (i.e. multi-branch completion) the primary wellbore will require compliance with (a)(1) - (6) of this section. Individual branch details as specified by (a)(1) - (6) of this section need not be posted but must be available upon request. The wellhead sign must include the suffix "ML" in the wellname indicating multiple active wellbores are present. 20 AAC 25.040. Well identification (a) Every well must be identified by a sign posted in a conspicuous place. During the period of time from commencement of drilling operations to well completion, suspension, or abandonment, the sign must be on or near the drill rig, but not more than 100 feet from the well. After well completion or suspension, the well sign must be at the wellhead or on the wellhead building. The sign must be of durable construction, large enough to be legible under normal conditions at a distance of 50 feet, and maintained in legible condition. Each sign must show the (1) name of the well or primary wellbore as designated by the operator under 20 AAC 25.005(f) for the well drilled from the surface location; (2) name of the owner; (3) name of the operator if different from the owner; (4) API number that the commission has, under (b) of this section, assigned to the well; (5) well surface location by governmental quarter section, section, township, and range; and (6) Permit to Drill number that the commission has assigned under (b) of this section. (b) The commission will assign a Permit to Drill number and an API number when a Permit to Drill (Form 10-401) is approved. (c) For platforms or multiple-well drill sites, the information required in (a)(2) - (a)(5) of this section may be posted on one sign on the platform or at the main entrance to the drill site. (d) For wells with more than one permitted wellbore (i.e. multi-branch completion) the primary wellbore will require compliance with (a)(1) - (6) of this section. Individual branch details as specified by (a)(1) - (6) of this section need not be posted but must be available upon request. The wellhead sign must include the suffix "ML" in the wellname indicating multiple active wellbores are present. |
24"W X 12"T

Tank Sign
24"W X 12"T

Well Sign

Entrance Sign
(Size will vary with # of well names required)
b) Well Identification
1) Each oil and or gas well shall have a legible sign placed at the well showing the Permit Holder and the well name and number as shown on the permit as listed in the Commission records. If the lease is a single well lease, the well sign may be placed at the associated tank battery or lease entrance.
2) Every entrance from a public road to north Arkansas gas well sites shall have a legible sign placed at that entrance. The sign shall show the name of the Permit Holder, a list of all wells accessed by that entrance, the section, township and range, and a telephone number at which the Permit Holder or his authorized agent can be reached during an emergency.
3) For any newly drilled well, the required sign shall be posted within 45 days after cessation of drilling operations.
4) Any changes or corrections in the well information, required to be posted in accordance with this rule, shall be made to the well signs within sixty (60) days after the change occurs, or in the case of a transfer of well ownership, within sixty (60) days after the effective date of the transfer in the Commission records. All prior signs, if not correct, shall be removed.
c) Crude Oil Tank Batteries and Oil Well Produced Fluids Storage Tanks
3) Each Crude Oil Tank Battery and Oil Well Produced Fluids Storage Tanks shall have a legible sign in a conspicuous place on or near the near the crude oil storage tank(s). The sign shall show the name of the Permit Holder who holds the Commission permit to operate the lease or unit, the lease name, the section, township and range, and a telephone number at which the Permit Holder or his authorized agent can be reached during an emergency.
24"L X 12"T

Well Sign
CHAPTER 4. Development, Regulation, and Conservation of Oil and Gas Resources Subchapter
1.Onshore Well Regulations
Article 3. Requirements
§ 1722.1.1. Well and Operator Identification.
(a) Each well location shall have posted in a conspicuous place a clearly visible, legible, permanently affixed sign with the name of the operator, name or number of the lease, and number of the well. These signs shall be maintained on the premises from the time drilling operations cease until the well is plugged and abandoned. (b) The appropriate Division district deputy may approve existing identification methods if they substantially comply with the intent of this section.
Subchapter 1.1 Offshore Well Regulations
Article 1. General
§ 1742. Well Identification.
(a) The number or designation, which includes the lease name when used, by which a well shall be known is subject to the approval of the Supervisor and shall not be changed without the written consent of the Supervisor.
(b) Identification of wells. The well designation shall be affixed to the wellhead or guard rail of each completed well. Wells completed from two or more zones shall have the zones individually identified at the wellhead. The Supervisor may approve existing well identification methods if they substantially comply with the intent of this section. Identifying signs shall be maintained in a legible condition.
(c) Platforms, islands, or other fixed structures shall be identified at two diagonal corners of the platform or structure by a sign with letters and figures not less than 12 inches in height with the following information: the platform or structure designation, the name of lease operator, and the lease designation. The Supervisor may approve abbreviations.
(d) Non-fixed platforms or structures shall be identified by two (2) signs with letters and figures not less than 12 inches in height affixed to opposite sides of the derrick to be visible from off the vessel with the following information: the name of the operator and the lease designation.
Source: https://www.conservation.ca.gov/index/Documents/CALGEM-SR-1%20Web%20Copy.pdf
24"W X 12"T

Entrance Sign
24"W X 12"T

Well Sign
24"W X 18"T

Tank Battery Sign
a. Oil and Gas Location Signage. For new Oil and Gas Locations, from the time of construction until Reclamation is complete, the Operator will post a sign at the entrance to an Oil and Gas Location that includes the:
(1) Oil and Gas Location name;
(2) Commission’s assigned Oil and Gas Location identification number (ID #);
(3) The Operator’s telephone number where it may be reached at all times; and
(4) Telephone number(s) for local emergency services (911 where available).
b. Road Signage Requirements During Drilling Operations.
(1) Concurrent with or prior to Move-In, Rig-Up (“MIRU”), the Operator or its contractor will place a sign or marker at the point of intersection of the public road and rig access road, and the sign will be maintained until the drill rig is released.
2) The sign placed during drilling operations will identify the public road to be used in accessing the rig, along with all necessary emergency numbers, and will be posted in a conspicuous place at the drilling rig.
c. Drilling, Hydraulic Fracturing Treatment, Flowback, and Recompletion Operations.
(1) Directional signs, no less than 3 square feet and no more than 6 square feet in size, will be provided during drilling, Hydraulic Fracturing Treatment, Flowback, and recompletion operations by the Operator or contractor.
(2) Such signs will be at locations sufficient to advise emergency crews where drilling, Hydraulic Fracturing Treatment, Flowback, and recompletion operations are taking place. At a minimum, such locations will include:
A. The first point of intersection of a public road and the rig access road; and
B. Thereafter at each intersection of the rig access route, except where the route to the Oil and Gas Location is clearly obvious to uninformed third parties.
(3) Signs not necessary to meet other obligations under the Commission’s Rules will be removed as soon as practicable after the operation is complete.
d. Well Signage Requirements.
(1) Within 60 days after a new Well is Completed, including each Well on a Multi-Well Site, or an existing sign is replaced or modified, a permanent sign will be conspicuously located at the wellhead and will identify:
A. The Well name;
B. The API number; and
C. Its legal location, including the quarter/quarter section.
(2) When no associated Tank battery is present at the Oil and Gas Location, the following additional information is required on the Well sign:
A. Name of the Operator;
B. Telephone number at which the Operator can be reached at all times;
C. Telephone number for local emergency services (911 where available); and
D. The public road used to access the Well.
(3) Multi-Well Locations. On a multi-Well location the information required by Rule 605.d.(2) may be placed on one sign with dimensions as described in Rule 605.e.(2).
(4) If a Well is a known source of hydrogen sulfide gas, it will be marked accordingly.
e. Tank Battery Signage.
(1) Within 60 days after the installation of a Tank battery, a permanent, conspicuous sign will be located at the battery.
(2) The Tank battery sign will be no less than 3 square feet and no more than 6 square feet, and will provide:
A. Name of the Operator;
B. Telephone number at which the Operator can be reached at all times;
C. Telephone number for local emergency services (911 where available);
D. The public road used to access the Tank battery site;
E. Well name(s) and API number(s) associated with the Tank battery and the legal location of the Well(s); and
F. Location, including the quarter/quarter section, of the Tank battery.
(3) If an Oil and Gas Location is a known source of hydrogen sulfide gas, it will be marked accordingly.
f. Centralized E&P Waste Management Facility Signage.
(1) The main point of access to a Centralized E&P Waste Management Facility will be marked by a sign captioned:
“(Operator name) E&P Waste Management Facility, Permit #.”
Such sign will be no less than 3 square feet and no more than 6 square feet and will provide:
A. A phone number at which the Operator can be reached at all times;
B. A phone number for local emergency services (911 where available);
C. The public road used to access the facility; and
D. The legal location, including quarter/quarter section, of the facility.
(2) If a Centralized E&P Waste Management Facility is a known source of hydrogen sulfide gas, it will be marked accordingly.
g. General Sign Requirements.
(1) No sign required under this Rule 605 will be installed at a height exceeding 6 feet.
(2) Operators will ensure that signs are well maintained and legible, and will replace damaged or vandalized signs within 30 days of discovery that the sign is no longer legible or is damaged.
(3) Upon the Director’s approval of a Form 9 the Buying Operator will have 60 days to replace or update all signs at the Oil and Gas Location so that the signs comply with Rule 605.
h. Tank and Container labels.
(1) All Tanks with a capacity of 10 Barrels or greater will be labeled or posted with the following information:
A. Name of Operator;
B. Operator’s emergency contact telephone number;
C. Tank capacity;
D. Tank contents; and
E. NFPA label or equivalent globally harmonized label.
(2) Lettering on all new Tanks, and on any reapplied or modified labels, will be legible from a distance of 100 feet.
(3) Containers that are used to store, treat, or otherwise handle a hazardous material and which are required to be marked, placarded, or labeled in accordance with the U.S.
Department of Transportation’s Hazardous Materials Regulations, will retain the markings, placards, and labels on the Container. Such markings, placards, and labels will be retained on the Container until it is sufficiently cleaned of residue and purged of vapors to remove any potential hazards.
24"W X 12"T

Well Sign
24"W X 12"T

Storage well and associated compressor site sign
(a) Tanks. All oil tanks, tank batteries, tanks used for salt water collection or disposal, and tanks used for sediment oil treatment or storage shall be identified by a sign posted on, or not more than 50 feet from the tank or tank battery. The sign shall be of durable construction and shall be large enough to be legible under normal conditions at a distance of 50 feet. The sign shall identify:
(1) the name and license number of the operator;
(2) the name of the lease being served by the tank; and
(3) the location of the tank by unit name, section, township, range, and county.
(b) The failure to post an identification sign shall be punishable by a $100 penalty.
(c) Trucks. Every truck, tank wagon or other vehicle transporting crude petroleum oil, sediment oil, water or brine produced in association with the production of oil or gas shall have the name and address of the owner or lessee painted or otherwise durably marked on both sides of the vehicle.
(Authorized by and implementing K.S.A. 55-1503, 55-1504, K.S.A. 1989 Supp. 55-164; effective, T-83-44, Dec. 8, 1982; effective May 1, 1983; amended April 23, 1990.)
(a) Identification signs required. Each operator shall identify each gas storage well and associated compressor site by posting a sign immediately adjacent to the wellhead or compressor site. The sign shall be durable and shall be large enough to be legible under normal daytime conditions at a distance of 50 feet. The sign shall include all of the following information:
(1) The name and license number of the operator;
(2) the name of the storage facility and the gas storage well number or compressor site name or number;
(3) the location of the gas storage well or compressor site by quarter section, section, township, range, and county; and
(4) the emergency contact phone number or numbers for the operator of the storage facility.
(b) Penalty. The failure to comply with the requirements of subsection (a) of this regulation shall be punishable by a $100 penalty per occurrence. Each day that a violation of this regulation continues may be considered a separate violation. The penalties specified in this subsection may be increased by the commission if it finds that aggravating factors exist.
(Authorized by and implementing K.S.A. 55-152, K.S.A. 2001 Supp. 55-1,115 and 74-623; effective, T-82-6-27-02, July 1, 2002; effective Oct. 29, 2002.)
(s) Each operator shall post at each storage well a sign large enough to be legible under normal daytime conditions at a distance of 50 feet, which shall include the following:
(1) The operator’s name and license number;
(2) the storage facility’s name and the storage well number;
(3) the location of the storage well by quarter section, section, township, range, and county; and
(4) the operator’s emergency contact phone number.
(j) Each operator shall ensure that the storage facility is equipped with security measures to prevent access by individuals without authorization or a legal right to enter the storage facility, including the following:
(1) Each operator shall post a sign at each entrance to the storage facility large enough to be legible at 50 feet during normal daytime conditions that states the following: the storage facility name; the operator name and license number; the storage facility location by quarter section, section, township, range, and county; and the operator emergency contact phone number.
24"W X 12"T

Well Sign
24"W X 8"T

Tank Sign
24"W X 12"T

Entrance Sign
§119. Well Allowables and Completion
E.l. Each lease shall be provided with sufficient tankage or meters to permit proper gauging of the oil produced. The tanks or meters must be identified by a sign showing the ownership of the tanks or meters and name of the lease from which the oil is being produced. In no case shall meters be the sole means of measuring oil runs from any field. There must be used at least one gauge tank to check the reading of meters. Applications for the use of oil meters in lieu of gauge tanks, shall be the subject of open hearings until rules are formulated
§103. Application to Drill
D. No well shall commence drilling below the surface casing until a sign has been posted on the derrick, and subsequently on the well if it is a producer, showing the operator of record of the well, name of lease, section, township, range, and the serial number under which the permit was issued. The obligation to maintain a legible sign remains until abandonment.
§533. General Operational Requirements for Commercial Facilities and Transfer Stations
E. A sign shall be prepared, displayed and maintained at the entry of each permitted commercial facility or transfer station. Such sign shall utilize a minimum of 1-inch lettering to state the facility name, address, phone number, and site code shall be made applicable to the activities of each facility according to the following example. "This E and P Waste (storage, treatment and/or disposal) facility has been approved for (temporary storage, treatment and/or disposal) of exploration and production waste only and is regulated by the Office of Conservation. Violations shall be reported to the Office of Conservation at (225) 342-5515."
24"W X 18"T

Well & Tank Battery Sign
24"W X 18"T

Well & Tank Battery Sign
1. Every well permitted by the Oil and Gas Board shall have posted at the entrance to the location during drilling, in a conspicuous place near the well bore after completion, a sign in reasonably large and clear lettering with the following information:
a) DANGER (in white lettering on a red background)
d) Operator of Record as carried at the Oil and Gas Board;
e) API number as assigned by the Oil and Gas Board;
f) Field name as designated by Oil and Gas Board and/or designation as a wildcat;
g) Section, Township and Range;
h) Well name and number as carried at the Oil and Gas Board;
i) Currently active telephone number answering 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for any emergency associated with the well and/or facility
j) The latitude and longitude of the well location expressed in decimal degrees (carried out to five (5) decimal places) utilizing NAD 83 coordinates
2. If not located on a well location, each tank and/or tank battery (both active and inactive), if equipped with a staircase or ladder, and each compressor station shall have posted at a conspicuous place at the location of such facility a sign in reasonably large and clear lettering with, at a minimum, the following information (Operator may add additional lettering it deems appropriate):
a) DANGER (In white lettering on a red background)
d) Currently active telephone number answering 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for any emergency associated with the tank and/or tank battery or compressor station
e) Operator of Record as carried at the Oil and Gas Board
f) The latitude and longitude of the tank and/or tank battery or compressor station expressed in decimal degrees (carried out to five (5) decimal places) utilizing NAD 83 coordinates
Additionally, in the event a tank battery serves multiple wells producing from a fieldwide unit, the name of such fieldwide unit (not individual well names) shall be indicated on the sign applicable to such tank battery.
3. An additional road sign and/or signs must be posted at the nearest exit or turn-off from either a public road and/or private, field or lease road leading to or providing entry and access to a well location, tank and/or tank battery or compressor station, such additional sign(s) to be in reasonably large and clear lettering with, at a minimum, the following information (Operator may add any additional lettering it deems appropriate):
a) DANGER (In white lettering on red background)
d) Currently active telephone number answering 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for any emergency associated with the well, tank and/or tank battery, compressor station or facility
e) Operator of Record as carried at the Oil and Gas Board
f) The latitude and longitude of such road sign(s) placed at the nearest exit or turn off from the public, private, field or lease road expressed in decimal degrees (carried out to five (5) decimal places) utilizing NAD 83 coordinates
4. All flow lines (i. e., pipelines which transport liquids or gas from a well location to a storage tank, tank battery or other storage facility or from any facility to a well (oil, gas or SWD) shall have posted along said flow lines signs in reasonably large and clear lettering with the following information:
(a) WARNING (no color requirements since many Operators already have signs/markers in various colors)
(b) High pressure, flammable, saltwater, etc. (as appropriate)
(c) Operator of Record as carried at Oil and Gas Board
(d) Currently active telephone number answering 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for any emergency associated with such flow line
Such signs shall be placed along all flow lines at such intervals as to insure that each sign is clearly visible from the next nearest sign. Spacing between signs may vary depending upon such factors as terrain, vegetation and other obstructions but in no event may such signs be located more than 500.0 feet apart. Such signs shall at all times be maintained clear of vegetation or any other obstructions which would prevent each sign from being clearly visible from the next nearest sign.
5. Any changes and/or corrections in the sign information required to be posted in accordance with this rule shall be made to such sign(s) within sixty (60) days after the change occurs, or in the case of a transfer of ownership, within sixty (60) days after a change of operator is approved by the Oil and Gas Board.
6. The operator’s field personnel shall be charged with the duty of observing the signs posted in accordance with this rule on a regular basis to ensure they are in place and in compliance with the rule.
7. All stairways and ladders leading to storage tanks shall be equipped with a gate restricting access. A sign shall be posted on the gate which contains, at a minimum, the following (Operator may add any additional lettering it deems appropriate):
All gates on stairways and ladders leading to storage tanks shall remain locked at all times except when such facility is manned.
8. Wells, tanks and/or tank batteries, compressor stations and related facilities in existence at the time of passage of this rule shall be brought into compliance with this rule within 180 days of passage.
9. Perimeter Fencing and Restricted Access
(a) No oil or gas wells, tanks, tank batteries or related oil and gas exploration and production facilities shall have restricted access, locked gates or entrances, or shall be enclosed or otherwise encompassed or restricted by perimeter fencing with or without locked gates or entrances except upon the approval of the Supervisor or where otherwise required by other rules and regulations.
Source: MCA Section 53-1-17(3) (1972) Eff. July 15, 2015
24"L X 12"T

Well Sign
36.22.1202 IDENTIFICATIONThe owner shall permanently mark all wells, producing properties, and tanks in a conspicuous place with his name, lease name, and, as to a well, number of the well and legal description of the well.
History: 82-11-111, MCA; IMP, 82-11-123, MCA; Eff. 12/31/72.
24"W X 12"T

Well Sign
24"W X 12"T

Tank Sign
24"W X 12"T

Pit Sign
A. An operator shall identify wells and related facilities the division regulates by a sign, which shall remain in place until the operator plugs and abandons the well and closes the related facilities.
B. For drilling wells, the operator shall post the sign on the derrick or not more than 20 feet from the well.
C. The sign shall be of durable construction and the lettering shall be legible and large enough to be read under normal conditions at a distance of 50 feet.
D. The wells on each lease or property shall be numbered in non-repetitive, logical and distinctive sequence.
E. An operator shall have 90 days from the effective date of an operator name change to change the operator name on the well sign unless the division grants an extension of time, for good cause shown along with a schedule for making the changes.
F. Each sign shall show the:
(1) well number;
(2) property name;
(3) operator’s name;
(4) location by footage, quarter-quarter section, township and range (or unit letter can be substituted for the quarter-quarter section); and
(5) API number.
B. The operator shall identify oil tanks, tank batteries, ACT systems, tanks used for produced water collection or disposal and tanks used for sediment oil treatment or storage by a sign posted on or not more than 50 feet from the tank, tank battery or system. The sign shall be of durable construction and the operator shall keep the lettering on the sign in a legible condition; the lettering shall be large enough to be legible under normal conditions at a distance of 50 feet and the sign shall identify the operator’s name, the name of the lease being served by the tank or system, if any, and the location of the tank or system by unit letter, section, township and range.
[ NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 12/1/2008; A, 05/25/2021] SIGNS, MARKERS: For each well, facility or operation involving a hydrogen sulfide concentration of 100 ppm or greater, the person shall install and maintain signs or markers that conform with the current ANSI standard Z535.1-2002 (Safety Color Code), or some other division-approved standard. The sign or marker shall be readily readable, and shall contain the words “poison gas” and other information sufficient to warn the public that a potential danger exists. The person shall prominently post signs or markers at locations, including entrance points and road crossings, sufficient to alert the public that a potential danger exists.
[ NMAC - Rp, NMAC, 12/1/08]
C. Signs. The operator shall post an upright sign not less than 12 inches by 24 inches with lettering not less than two inches in height in a conspicuous place on the fence surrounding the pit or below-grade tank, unless the pit or below-grade tank is located on a site where there is an existing well, signed in compliance with NMAC, that is operated by the same operator. The operator shall post the sign in a manner and location such that a person can easily read the legend. The sign shall provide the following information: the operator’s name; the location of the site by quarter-quarter or unit letter, section, township and range; and emergency telephone numbers.
24"W X 12"T

Well Sign
24"W X 12"T

Storage Facility
Rules & Regulations
North Dakota Administrative Code
Chapter 43-02-03
C. Drilling
43-02-03-17. SIGN ON WELL AND FACILITY. Every well and facility associated with the production, transportation, purchasing, storage, treating, or processing of oil, gas, and water except plugged wells shall be identified by a sign. The sign shall be of durable construction and the lettering thereon shall be kept in a legible condition. The wells on each lease or property shall be numbered in nonrepetitive sequence, unless some other system of numbering was adopted by the owner prior to the adoption of this chapter. Each sign must show the facility name or well name and number (which shall be different or distinctive for each well or facility), the name of the operator, file or facility number (if applicable), and the location by quarter-quarter, section, township, and range.
History: Amended effective January 1, 1983; May 1, 1992; September 1, 2000; April 1, 2014; October 1, 2016; April 1, 2018.
General Authority Law Implemented
NDCC 38-08-04 NDCC 38-08-04
Identification signs must be placed at each storage facility in a centralized location and at each well site. The signs must show the name of the operator, the facility name, and the emergency response number to contact the operator.
History: Effective April 1, 2010.
General Authority Law Implemented NDCC 28-32-02 NDCC 38-22
24"W X 12"T

Well Sign
24"W X 12"T

Tank Sign
24"W X 12"T

Enhanced Recovery / Disposal Well Sign
165:10-3-17. Well site and surface facilities
(d) Required lease signs. Within 30 days after the completion of any producing oil or gas well subsequent to the effective date of this Section, a sign shall be posted and maintained at the location indicating no trespassing, no unauthorized personnel or similar language, showing the operator of the well and the operator's twenty-four hour emergency telephone number, name of the well, number of the well, legal description of the well and API number; provided, however, where more than one well is producing on a lease, the operator may post and maintain a sign at the principal lease entrance indicating no trespassing, no unauthorized personnel or similar language, the lease name, operator, the operator's twenty-four hour emergency telephone number, legal description, and number of wells, and on each well designate the number of the well and API number. Within 30 days after completion or recompletion of an injection well or a disposal well subsequent to the effective date of this Section, a sign shall be posted and maintained at the well location indicating no trespassing, no unauthorized personnel or similar language, showing the operator of the well, the operator's twenty-four hour emergency telephone number, well name, well number, legal description of the well, API number and the Commission order number by which it was authorized. The legal description of each well completed on or after March 1, 1976, shall be posted at the well and shall describe the location of the well to the nearest quarter quarter quarter section and shall show the section, township, and range. On a 160-acre or larger drilling and spacing unit, a sign shall also be posted at the entrance to the well site. Upon the Commission's approval, after the effective date of this Section, of transfer to a new operator of a well completed or recompleted prior to the effective date of this Section, the operator must comply with all requirements in this Section. If an operator fails to post a sign as directed, the Commission may fine the operator $50.00 per violation; provided that total fines per incident shall not exceed $500.00 per lease.
(f) OTC numbers on stock tanks for oil and condensate.
(1) On all oil and gas producing leases, the first purchaser of crude oil or condensate shall print its name or affix the company logo and print or affix the OTC Gross Production Division Purchaser Reporting Number on the lease sign or at least one of the storage tanks from which marketable liquids are being delivered.
(2) On all oil and gas producing leases, the well operator shall print or affix the OTC Gross Production Division assigned Production Unit Number and the OTC Gross Production Division Operator Reporting Number on the lease sign or at least one of the tanks from which marketable liquids are being stored. In the case of an enhanced recovery or unitization operation where several OTC Gross Production Division assigned Production Unit Numbers exist for the wells in the unit, the word "unitized" shall be printedor affixed to the lease sign or one of the storage tanks from which marketable liquids are being delivered to the purchaser.
(3) The identification numbers required in this subsection shall always be clearly legible. All letters and numbers shall be a minimum of two inches in height. Any operator failing to post required information may be fined up to $50.00 per violation; provided that total fines per incident shall not exceed $500.00 per well.
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Tank Sign
G. The well permit number and operator's name, address and telephone number shall be posted at the drilling site, in conspicuous manner, prior to commencement of drilling.
H. The well operator shall install the permit number issued by the department in a legible, visible and permanent manner on the well upon completion.
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Well Sign
74:12:02:09. Identification sign required at each well. Each well must be identified by a sign posted not more than 20 feet from the well. The sign must be of durable construction. The lettering on the sign must be kept in a legible condition and must be large enough to be legible under normal conditions at a distance of 50 feet. Each sign must show the number of the well; the name of the lease, which must be different or distinctive for each lease; the name of the lessee, owner, or operator; the permit number; and the location by quarter-quarter-section, township, and range.
Source: 38 SDR 117, effective January 12, 2012.
General Authority: SDCL 45-9-13.
Law Implemented: SDCL 45-9-5.
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Entrance Sign
RULE §3.3 Identification of Properties, Wells, and Tanks
Each property that produces oil, gas, or geothermal resources and each oil, gas, or geothermal resource well and tank, or other approved crude oil measuring facility where tanks are not utilized thereon, shall at all times be clearly identified as follows.
(1) A sign shall be posted at the principal entrance to each such property which shall show the name by which the property is commonly known and is carried on the records of the commission, the name of the operator, and the number of acres in the property.
(2) A sign shall be posted at each well site which shall show the name of the property, the name of the operator, and the well number.
(3) A sign shall be posted at or painted on each oil stock tank and on each remotely located satellite tank, or on each approved crude oil measuring facility where tanks are not utilized, that is located on or serving each property, which signs shall show, in addition to the information provided for in paragraph (1) of this section, the commission lease number for the formation from which oil in the tank, or in an approved crude oil measuring facility, is produced, and where oil from more than one formation is commingled in the same tank, or in an approved crude oil measuring facility, the sign shall show the number of the commission permit that authorized the commingling of the oil; provided that, if there is more than one tank in a battery which contains oil from only one formation or oil from different formations that is commingled pursuant to a single commingling permit, it will not be necessary for the sign to be posted at or painted on each tank if the sign posted at or painted on a tank in the battery shows the required information and clearly identifies, by tank number or otherwise, the tanks to which the information is applicable.
(4) If a well is separately completed in two or more producing formations, the wellhead valve and flow line serving each separate formation shall be identified by a metal tag or other lettering attached to or painted on either the valve or flow line which shows the name of the formation and identifies the completion string of casing or tubing, as for example "C" for casing; "UT" for upper tubing; "LT" for lower tubing, etc., each being preceded or followed by the name of the producing formation.
(5) The signs and identification required by this section shall be in the English language, clearly legible, and in the case of the signs required by paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of this section shall be in letters and numbers at least one inch in height.
Source Note: The provisions of this §3.3 adopted to be effective January 1, 1976
TEXAS OFFSHORE250.15 Identification A. Platforms, structures, artificial islands and mobile drilling units which have helicopter landing facilities shall be identified with at least one sign using letters and figures no less than 12 inches in height. Signs for units without helicopter landing facilities shall use letters and figures not less than 3 inches in height. Signs shall be affixed at a location that is visible to approaching traffic and shall contain the following information: 1. Name of lease operator 2. The area designation based on OCS official protraction diagrams (except the Pacific OCS region) 3. The block number (lease number in the Pacific OCS platform) in which the facility is located 4. Platform structure or rig name B. For each single completed well, the lease number and well number shall be painted on the wellhead or on a sign affixed to the wellhead. Wells with multiple completions shall be individually identified at the wellhead. For sub-sea wellheads, the required sign shall be affixed to the flowline at a convenient surface location on the platform to which it is connected. All identifying signs shall be maintained in a legible condition. |
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Well Sign
R649-3-5. Identification.
1. Every drilling and producible well shall be identified by a sign posted on the derrick or in a conspicuous place near the well.
2. The sign shall be of durable construction. The lettering on the sign shall be kept in a legible condition and shall be large enough to be legible under normal conditions at a distance of 25 feet.
3. The wells on each lease or property shall be numbered in nonrepetitive, logical, and distinctive sequence. Each sign shall show the number or name of the well, the name of the owner or operator, the lease name, and the location of the well by quarter section, township, and range.
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Chapter 3. Section 19. Well Designations and Markers.
(a) The Owner/Operator shall mark each drilling, producing, or injection well in a conspicuous place with his name, name of lease, well number, and legal description of the location of the well. All signs shall be maintained in a legible condition. Signs for wells in multi-well pad locations shall be located near the multi-well pad or may be placed near the pad entrance and provisions shall be made on or near each wellhead to enable positive identification of each well.
(b) Plugged and abandoned wells shall be marked with a permanent monument on which shall be shown the operator, the lease, the well number, and location of the well. The monument shall consist of a piece of pipe not less than four inches (4") in diameter and not less than ten feet (10') in length of which four feet (4') shall be above the ground level, the remainder being securely embedded in cement. The top of the pipe must be permanently sealed.
(c) In order to lessen visual impact of a large number of dry hole markers, or for other reasonable cause, the Supervisor may waive the requirement to erect a dry hole marker. Requests for approval of this procedure shall be submitted on the Notice of Intent to Abandon or on a separate Sundry Notice (Form 4). If that option is desired, the well casing must be cut off at least three feet (3') below the recontoured surface and a plate with well designation as provided in subsection (b) of this section permanently welded onto the top of the casing stub. In the event a marker is not erected, the Owner/Operator must leave a temporary steel fence post marked with the well number and location adjacent to the well bore so the field inspectors can easily find the location.
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Well Sign
Chapter 2 (General Rules)
008 WELL AND TANK BATTERY DESIGNATIONS The owner shall mark each and every well in a conspicuous place, with his name, name of lease, number of the well and legal description of the well and shall take all necessary means and precautions to preserve these markings. The tank battery shall be marked with operator name, name of lease, legal description, and phone number.